
What we're looking for

Nine Bean Rows is a boutique publishing house for tastemakers and storytellers. We are looking for strong ideas, compelling stories and delicious recipes in the food and drink genre, mainly targeted at an Irish audience/market but also with international appeal.

We are particularly interested in hearing from first-time authors, women, immigrants, LGBTQ+ authors and other members of communities that have traditionally been under-represented in Ireland, with lived, authentic experience of the topics you are writing about.

Read this first!

If you'd like to be considered as a Nine Bean Rows author, you need to submit a book proposal. Check out all these excellent posts for advice on how to write a strong cookbook proposal – this isn't something you should rush. We also highly recommend the Everything Cookbooks podcast.

How to submit a proposal to us

Your proposal for Nine Bean Rows must include the following. When it's done, email it to

  • Page 1 - Title page: This page should be the proposed title (and subtitle if applicable) and author name.
  •  Page 2 - Synopsis: Give us a summary of your idea, no longer than one page. Respectfully, we are not looking for cookbooks about weight loss, diets centred on medical conditions or elimination diets.
  • Page 3 - About the author: Tell us more about yourself! What makes you an expert in your proposed topic or why are you so passionate about it? Can you share any testimonials? Include your email address and phone number as contact details at the end of your bio and include your social media handles too.
  • Page 4 - Market for the book: Briefly describe the market for the book. Other than the general cookbook-buying public, who is your target audience? Who would this book appeal to? Why is the time right for this book? Could it be sold anywhere in addition to the usual bookshops? And lastly, what comparable books already exist? Also include details of how you can promote your book. Publishing is a partnership between the publisher and the author and in order for it to be a successful one, we need you to shout about your book from the rooftops! This is not the time to be humble.
  • Page 5 - Table of contents (TOC): We need to see a fully worked-out table of contents. If you are submitting a cookbook proposal, this includes all the recipe titles that you want to include in your book.
  • Page 6 - Introduction: Read the intros in a few of your favourite cookbooks or other food and drink books to get an idea of what's needed here. This should be the introduction that you would include in the published book, so treat it as a final draft of your best writing.
  • Pages 7+ - Sample recipes or text: Include at least five complete sample recipes. These should be well-tested, well-written examples that make us want to immediately head to the kitchen to start cooking them. Every recipe must include a recipe title, headnote, serving amount, ingredients list and method. If your proposal is not a cookbook, then we need to see one complete sample chapter.

Next steps

As a small, niche publisher, we publish only two to four books a year, so we are extremely limited in the number of proposals we can accept. Please allow up to 12 weeks for a reply and note that we are unable to provide feedback on your proposal.